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About Us

Welcome To DIMS

Institute Of Hotel Management

The growth of hospitality industry has been prevalent since centuries. However, in modern days, incredible and unprecedented growth has been witnessed all across the globe. Its development has been highly acclaimed not only in India but worldwide. This has further escalated the employment opportunities globally. However, there also appears a huge gap between the demand of trained human resource and its supply. Seeing the employment opportunities, thousands of young men and women ardently desire to become its part. And, it is for such candidates that the Late M.B.Shah Education Trust has conceptualized DIMS Institute of Hotel Management.

Our Vission

"To be a globally recognized institution in hotel management education, fostering innovation, excellence, and leadership in the hospitality industry."

Our Mission

"To provide high-quality education and training in hotel management, equipping students with the skills, knowledge, and values needed to excel in the hospitality industry. We aim to create a dynamic learning environment that promotes practical experience, industry engagement, and lifelong learning, preparing our graduates to become ethical, competent, and innovative leaders in the global hospitality sector."


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